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The school is providing opportunity to play Basket Ball. These games are conducted under the close supervision of well qualified and experienced coaches.

Volley Ball Court

The school is providing opportunity to play Volley Ball. These games are conducted under the close supervision of well qualified and experienced coaches.


CT believes that Swimming is an important life skill.An in school pool gives students an opportunity to learn water safety which could potentially save their life if they are ever in a dangerous situation around water. CT Public School has two well maintained and hygienic pools accessible for Kindergarten and Senior students with expert coaches to train them.Whether a beginner or an experienced swimmer at CT ,its indoor pools allow every student to enjoy aquatic activities during Physical Education class.
These pools at C T accomodate both recreational and athletic needs of students.These pools not only provide them just fun but also loads of health benefits.The children are trained in swimming exercises which keep heart and lungs healthy,improve strength,increase stamina and even improve balance and posture.


Flexibility of body and mental peace are some of the key benefits of regular yoga. Yoga is accepted worldwide as one of the most effective form of exercise to influence the mental control A qualified yoga trainer imparts basic yoga knowledge to our students.

Handball Ground

The school has a handball ground.


Special arrangement of a well-qualified and experienced coach is there to train the students in the field of Marshal Arts.


A trained coach imparts the skill of skating to the willing students.