Inspired by the innovative vision (AIM) of our esteemed Prime Minister Sh. Narendra Modi ji, the Niti Aayog proposed to establish Atal Tinkering Labs in the selected schools across India. Adding another feather to its cap, CT Public School received a grant from Niti Ayog (Govt. of India) to set up an ATL laboratory under the scheme of Atal Innovation Mission (AIM). The school is one of the very few schools of Punjab which have the privilege of setting-up ATL lab within its premises. It was a great honor and privilege that Mr.Manbir Singh, Managing Director, CT Public School inaugurated the much awaited Atal Tinkering Lab in the school premises on April 11, 2019. ATL aims at fostering curiosity, creativity and imagination in young minds and inculcate skills such as design mindset, computational thinking, adaptive learning etc. For achieving this, students innovative ideas are channelized under expert guidance, into creating efficient and innovative solution to recurring local problems. CT Public School inaugurates the Atal Tinkering Lab by organizing State Championship on Robotics on May 2, 2019. 150 students from various schools across Punjab participated. Our School won first prize of Robo Race Championship. In this, 150 students from various schools across region namely Punjab Public School(Nabha), Path Seekers (Beas), MGN School(Jalandhar), CT World (Jalandhar), Cambridge International School(Patti), CT Public School (Jalandhar), Delhi Public School (Jalandhar), GMA Public School (Hoshiarpur), Doaba Public School etc participated. Out of these, CT Public School bagged the first position. Along with the championship, a two day inter school workshop was also organized to make students aware about advanced technology in the field of Robotics.